Novel Management Defence Consultancy

Events - 2023
Industry events are a great way to form connections in the Defence Industry and expand your networks. There are a wide range of events that occur across the country. This page assists you to locate events that could offer benefit to your business.
If you need advice on which offer your business greatest value for money, contact us now.
21st September
Canberra, ACT
21st & 22nd September
Regional, WA
26th September
Perth, WA
Australian Defence Industry Awards
The Chief of Army Symposium (CAS) 2023 showcases Army's enduring commitment to innovation and fostering partnerships with our allies, partner forces and Defence Industry. The event is hosted by the Chief of Army, Lieutenant General, Simon Stuart, AO, DSC.
Kimberley Economic Forum - Derby & Broome
An opportunity for business leaders across the Kimberley to obtain the latest information on industry trends and major developments, discuss the future of the region and ways to expand agriculture, aquaculture, construction, mining, tourism and logistics.
Designed to facilitate conversations and networking opportunities for delegates with trade organisations, government agencies, investors, industry and media.
Henderson Alliance 'Network and Learn' Sundowner
Join the board and members of the Henderson Alliance for a chance to connect and engage with professionals within the Defence Industry.
Make new connections and stay updated on industry developments while enjoying a comfortable social setting.